Friday, September 25, 2009


By Frosty Wooldridge

Americans, led by their indolent politicians, step on the population gas pedal at full bore into the 21st century without a map, route, plan or clue as to how they will solve their own accelerating human population numbers.

In excess of 150 million Americans live and breathe toxic air in overloaded cities. They grind their way through gridlocked traffic five days a week. They kill 44,000 fellow citizens annually in car accidents from clogged highways. Their rivers run with chemicals, fertilizers, herbicides, sewage and other contaminants enough to create 10,000 square mile dead zones where they empty into our oceans. They suffer water shortages so much so, that they completely deplete the Colorado River before it reaches the Pacific. Americans use so many chemicals to grow food; their acidified soils become more unhealthy and toxic to angleworms and nitro-fixing bacteria with each passing year.

Those chemicals in the air, soil and water create millions of cancer deaths annually around the world. Yet, no one advocates banning the contamination of this planet for future generations or the welfare of all other life on Earth.

All the while, humans burn through non-renewable resources such as oil, natural gas, minerals and metals as if there were no tomorrow. While every scientific indicator shows human activity destabilizing Earth’s climate—leaders admonish citizens to change their lights to the curly-cue mercury energy saving lights—as if THAT will solve our dilemma.

While American citizens suffer 15 million unemployed and 35 million subsisting on food stamps as well as 13.4 million Americans living in poverty—our U.S. Congress imports 160,000 foreign workers into this country every 30 days, month in and month out, year in and year out. All total, the U.S. adds 3.1 million more humans, net gain, annually on its way to adding 100 million people by 2035.

While that certain insanity continues, not one congressional member, media outlet or environmental organization addresses the obvious: we exhaust Earth’s ability to mitigate our presence on this planet. Time, Newsweek and US News and World Report dance around the population issue like a mouse trying to escape a hawk. Charlie Rose, 60 Minutes, Matt Lauer, Diane Sawyer, Harry Smith, Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Charles Gibson, Wolf Blitzer and others avoid it at all costs. Yes, they report its mounting consequences, but they won’t touch overpopulation growth.

Bryan Walsh, Time reporter, September 23, 2009, wrote a sobering column, “How much human activity can earth handle?” But nowhere in his piece did he address the population connection!

Walsh said, “The scientific name is the Holocene Age, but climatologists like to call our current climatic phase the Long Summer. The history of Earth's climate has rarely been smooth. From the moment life began on the planet billions of years ago, the climate has swung drastically and often abruptly from one state to another — from tropical swamp to frozen ice age. Over the past 10,000 years, however, the climate has remained remarkably stable by historical standards: not too warm and not too cold, or Goldilocks weather. That stability has allowed Homo sapiens, numbering perhaps just a few million at the dawn of the Holocene, to thrive; farming has taken hold and civilizations have arisen. Without the Long Summer, that never would have been possible.”

It’s all related

“But as human population has exploded over the past few thousand years, the delicate ecological balance that kept the Long Summer going has become threatened,” Walsh said. “The rise of industrialized agriculture has thrown off Earth's natural nitrogen and phosphorus cycles, leading to pollution on land and water, while our fossil-fuel addiction has moved billions of tons of carbon from the land into the atmosphere, heating the climate ever more.

“Now a new article in the Sept. 24 issue of Nature says the safe climatic limits in which humanity has blossomed are more vulnerable than ever and that unless we recognize our planetary boundaries and stay within them, we risk total catastrophe. "Human activities have reached a level that could damage the systems that keep Earth in the desirable Holocene state," writes Johan Rockstrom, executive director of the Stockholm Environmental Institute and the author of the article. "The result could be irreversible and, in some cases, abrupt environmental change, leading to a state less conducive to human development."

While we multiply our numbers, we degrade our planet-home. But you won’t see any meaningful attention to the root causes!

“Regarding climate change, for instance, Rockstrom proposes an atmospheric-carbon-concentration limit of no more than 350 parts per million — meaning no more than 350 atoms of carbon for every million atoms of air. Before the industrial age, levels were at 280 p.p.m.; currently they're at 387 p.p.m. and rising. That, scientists believe, should be enough to keep global temperatures from rising more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels, which should be safely below a climatic tipping point that could lead to the wide-scale melting of polar ice sheets, swamping coastal cities. "Transgressing these boundaries will increase the risk of irreversible climate change," writes Rockstrom.

“That's the impact of breaching only one of nine planetary boundaries that Rockstrom identifies in the paper,” Walsh said. “Other boundaries involve freshwater overuse, the global agricultural cycle and ozone loss. In each case, he scans the state of science to find ecological limits that we can't violate, lest we risk passing a tipping point that could throw the planet out of whack for human beings. It's based on a theory that ecological change occurs not so much cumulatively, but suddenly, after invisible thresholds have been reached. Stay within the lines, and we might just be all right.”

“In three of the nine cases Rockstrom has pointed out, however — climate change, the nitrogen cycle and species loss — we've already passed his threshold limits. In the case of global warming, we haven't yet felt the full effects, Rockstrom says, because carbon acts gradually on the climate — but once warming starts, it may prove hard to stop unless we reduce emissions sharply. Ditto for the nitrogen cycle, where industrialized agriculture already has humanity pouring more chemicals into the land and oceans than the planet can process, and for wildlife loss, where we risk biological collapse. "We can say with some confidence that Earth cannot sustain the current rate of loss without significant erosion of ecosystem resilience," says Rockstrom.

Walsh said, “Rockstrom's work delineates the limits to human growth — economically, demographically, ecologically — that we transgress at our peril.”

"Ongoing changes in global chemistry should alarm us about threats to the persistence of life on Earth, whether or not we cross a catastrophic threshold any time soon," writes William Schlesinger, president of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, in a commentary accompanying the Nature paper.

I encourage you, fellow citizen, to take action, to push this issue toward the front burner. If you don’t, as you look out across the political landscape, who will? You haven’t heard one word from anyone in Congress and even President Obama. No matter how much conservation we practice at whatever level, everything becomes negated by adding 100 million people to this civilization and another 100 million after that, etc.

We need a “US Sustainable Immigration Policy” of a maximum of 100,000 annually; “US Water Usage Policy” and “US Sustainable Population Policy” in the 21st century if we expect to remain a viable civilization in the coming decades.

To take action: First and foremost, join and become one of nearly a million Americans making impact with pre-written faxes and phone calls to change immigration policies toward a stable future. Bi-partisan and highly effective!

Second, join for up to date information via the Social Contract Quarterly. Exceptional publication to keep you informed. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. This book covers all the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the USA in the next 26 years by 2035. Call for a copy: 1 888 280 7715

Visit this site for a rendition of Colorado Governor Lamm’s speech: “How to Destroy America”

Must see DVD: “Blind Spot”
This movie illustrates America’s future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It’s a brilliant educational movie!

In Canada: Tim Murray,
Director Immigration Watch Canada
Vice President Biodiversity First

Watch the DVD movie: “Blind Spot”—Exceptional movie with top scientists candidly discussion what we face as a civilization if we continue on our hyper-population growth path.
Watch it on line:

Please visit Annie Leonard at for a compelling and highly interesting 20 minute video concerning our high consumption, highly wasteful and unsustainable society. She educates and provides avenues for you to make a difference.

Visit this web site by Chris Martenson:

In Colorado: visit for information how you can network with like-minded folks to create a more sustainable future for Colorado and other states.

View CNN’s “Planet in Peril” with Anderson Cooper and Lisa Ling:
Ghost of Thomas Paine—compelling video of common sense

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: D.C.: (202)224-2854
Books to read: “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler
“Peak Everything” by Richard Heinberg
“Too Many People” by Lindsey Grant

Become a member of “Frosty’s Press Agent Corps” whereby you volunteer a few hours to send out emails to top TV and radio hosts to offer top speakers on America’s overpopulation crisis driven by unending immigration. Email and receive two informational letters showing you exactly what to do.

Roy Beck's "IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS" is the single best educational appreciation of America's future if we allow ourselves to add another 100 million people. Just click on this site for the most sobering experience of your children's future.

Roy Beck gives a graphic presentation of our fate if we continue to allow legal and illegal immigration to swamp this country. If you have children, you will be particular unnerved at their fate. I know Roy Beck personally and his integrity and knowledge stand at the top. Pass this web site 14 minute video far and wide across America to educate everyone you know. We either stop this human tsunami or the future of this country will be much like Rome's. We must, as a nation and a civilization, move to secure our country from this massive, unrelenting population overload from a line that never ends. This will be the most compelling 14 minute video of your life.

Once you see it, go to my web site for action items and join to become a weekly faxer of pre written letters and join the phone calling teams.

Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning the future of our planet. Go to for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been writing about for the past 20 years. Our ‘window’ to change to a balanced population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we listen to irresponsible media and thus ignore the blatant symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.

From: Frosty Wooldridge

This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on “Your Show” May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a “Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy”; “Colorado Environmental Impact Policy”; “Colorado Water Usage Policy”; “Colorado Sustainable Population Policy”. Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.

Go to: and click on “Audio/Video” tab

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


By Frosty Wooldridge

Nothing beats Colorado High Country in late September! Cool mornings morph into warm days. Water fowl rest in lakes on their way to winter feeding grounds. Sandhill cranes glide through Buena Vista on their thousands of miles journeys to warmer climes. Magnificent elk bugle their ancient rituals in search of mates. Hawks ply limitless blue skies in a never ending pursuit for their dinner. In the canyons, raging white water cascades over multi-colored rocks on a journey that ends up in the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.

Sweeping up every mountain slope, a mantle of verdant pines renders a visual silence “too silent to be real,” said Gordon Lightfoot. As if touched on a Van Gogh canvas, “aspen tremulous,” trembling leaves, provide visitors textures and fresh green highlights.

But once Jack Frost touches his magic wand on the Colorado High Country, he sets off a magical kaleidoscope of colors unrivaled in the American West.

Every year, I take a two day bicycle tour across four passes for a first hand inspection of Mother Nature’s handiwork. I ride my own “Quadruple Color Bypass”. It promises magic, serenity and a changing of the season.

After parking the car in Frisco, I packed my bike, Condor, for the ride over Vail, Battle Summit Mountain, Tennessee and Freemont passes. With four panniers bursting with camping gear and food, I headed up along the river toward Copper Mountain.

The morning air--crisp, clean, full of energy—powered my journey through a tunnel of golden aspen trees. At 50 percent color change, a full bouquet of tints greeted my eyes. Sheer delight! But beyond the blazing yellow leaves, many falling along my path, a beautiful mosaic of ground color caught my attention even more. Leaves turned into bronze, topaz, burgundy, gold, canary yellow, rose pink, maroon and crimson. Below, cascading water provided ‘white music’ that soothed my mind. Looking to my left, blazing gold aspen trees marched up the side of gray rock to peaks 1,000 feet overhead.

Ahead, a gold/green tree tunnel beckoned. A number of other bikers raced by my slow moving touring machine. “We’re in for a good ride Condor” I said. The other cyclists seemed in a hurry. I passed several lakes with long straw grass floating across the surface while mallards played among the brushes.

The six mile paved path continued winding, dipping and climbing along the river. Every curve brought new angles of the hard rock mountains to my left and the crystal river flowing to my right. I pushed the pedals onward until reaching Copper Mountain. The crazy rush of the I-70 traffic knocked me back to my senses, but I dove back into the paved trail leading up Vail Pass. Ah, quiet again, yet another river, and more ground cover greeted my eager eyes. I find pedaling along a river makes the effort effortless and physically incidental. My eyes watch for everything and my spirit settles into a cycling ‘satori’ or sweet spot of the ‘perfect moment’. Condor, quiet and smooth beneath me, has taken me to many far flung corners of the world without a complaint. I look down to the plastic bubble on my gradient scale to see 10 percent, woops, 15 percent! Back to 6 percent! It’s an easy ride to the top of Vail, even with 50 pounds of gear. Along the way, I stopped for a half dozen pieces of trash tossed by careless cyclists. Thankfully, most appreciate the sacredness of the wilderness. Take only pictures and leave no trace!

At the top, I talked to folks from Kansas, Utah, New York and Michigan. They marveled at the colors. I agreed that our state finds itself blessed with autumn colors capped by majestic mountains and bountiful azure skies.

As I finished my apple, I noticed a touring rider coming down a dirt road with a sign, “Shrine Pass”. Peter pedaled over to me and introduced himself. From the Republic of Czech, he’s riding for two years around the world. We exchanged business cards.

I said, “How was that ride over Shrine Pass?”

“How you say? Superb beyond compare,” he said in broken English. “Take it my friend for a totally wilderness experience.”

After exchanging a few touring stories, we departed. I cranked up a dusty dirt road leading toward higher altitudes. Yes, I could have been coasting down to Vail, but I felt a good change from the Vail scene, plus the fact that this route would skirt Battle Summit Mountain Pass. It’s a long grind with a loaded touring bike.

Up, up, up, I climbed through the dust, but as I gained altitude, more pines, more rock, more ground cover that held tight to the tundra. Deep colors beckoned my eyes. The road snaked up and down, curved left, then right. Always upward toward the pass! Each pass enjoys its own personality. I found myself enjoying the quiet.

As I looked up from my pedaling toils, what do you know, a large racked bull elk looked up from his grazing at me not 40 yards away! Majestic! While they wonder through Evergreen often, I find them enthralling and regal in their wilderness settings. Something about their energy that inspires the Edward Abbey, John Muir and Henry David Thoreau in me.

“We need the tonic of wildness, to wade sometimes in marshes where the bittern and the meadow-hen lurk, and hear the booming of the snipe; to smell the whispering sedge where only some wilder and more solitary fowl builds her nest, and the mink crawls with its belly close to the ground.” Thoreau

I like traveling with my wheels close to the ground, yet my feet fly above it. I softly feather the ground with each pedal stroke. Something about my steel steed laced together with spokes and a two bands of rubber that carries me to distant quests.

At the top, Shrine Pass, probably 11,000 feet, proved a flat pass with lots of open fields that surrendered to pine trees. I followed a narrow dirt road that meandered downward at a slight three percent descent. Soon, the road re-entered deep pine woods along a river. Again, ground plants danced with colors right out of a Crayola box. Aspen once again dominated mountain sides to my right. They seemed to be selectively painted with a brush that created different shades of yellow, green, gold and in some places red dabs. Brilliant!

Condor, with 1.5 tires, gingerly made his way down the mountain, and to both our delights, the descent at three percent took 1.3 hours of gravity power! I snapped a dozen pictures and talked to a few campers along the way. At one point, I stopped at a cabin well over 100 years old. Wonder if the ghosts of the past could talk, what they might say about those miners in their time?! “In the winter, it’s colder than a well diggers ass,” they might lament.

Late in the afternoon, I rolled into Red Cliff. Three towns in Colorado might be called ‘funky’! Ward, Leadville and Red Cliff! Junked homes, trailers sunk into the ground, nice homes, junked cars and total lack of any pride in the areas! Several strange houses in Red Cliff make a visitor wonder who and why they built them. I picked up water at the “Provisions” store before climbing out of the town along the river that eventually ran into the Eagle River.

Above the town, I crossed the stunning arched metal green bridge that connected to Route 24 and headed south toward Leadville. I pedaled through deep woods along the Eagle River. Lumberjacks cut many trees from the beetle blight. Just before Camp Hale and the 10th Mountain Division soldier memorial, I camped in the woods by a stand of flaming golden aspens on the east side of the highway.

I pitched camp, cooked up hot chocolate and pasta primavera along with onion buns. As my food steamed, I sipped on soothing marshmellowed warmth that soothed my soul. I watched the sun set over the notched mountains to the west. After filling my tummy with tasty dinner, I unrolled my sleeping bag, wrote some notes, watched the sky turn to the ink black of space—and one by one, watched stars make their appearance in the night sky.

Next morning, hot oatmeal and apple slices and, of course, two cups of hot chocolate. God, it doesn’t get any better than that. Several hundred aspen leaves fell on my tent during the night. Just too cool!

After washing up, I hit the road with a blue-gray sky. Soon enough, I pedaled past Camp Hale. Thank the gentlemen of the 10th Mountain Division for their bravery in WWII.

Ah, the road headed upward. I geared down to my granny with a 24 to a 34 chain ring to freewheel. Only five miles to the top! Near the summit, an old Standard Oil gas station with a house offers cyclists free water. I tried the drum: Voila! Water! But even more fun, I watched a ruby throated hummingbird that landed on a pole above the roof of the building. He fluttered, flew and returned. His wings caught the morning sun. He looked around his domain, fluttered up and returned. I watched for five minutes. Finally, he flew away and so I returned to my own flight.

More aspen led me all the way to the top of 10,400 foot Tennessee Pass. At the top, an apple and a few pictures gave me enough time pull on some layers for the descent.

Something about coasting downhill after you earned the altitude. The bike rolls sweetly as if your legs enjoy enormous power! Down along the river, and in the distance, Mount Elbert, Massive and a line of 14ers that I have climbed. Further in those mountains, my memories of competing against Lance Armstrong in the Leadville 100 Mountain Bike Race Across the Sky.

I pressed the top gear on Condor while he responded by flying across the tundra. Horses and barns, over 100 years old, stood off the highway. Great feeling as the bike and man ‘flew’ toward 10,152 foot Leadville.

Once there, I filled my water bottles before taking off to Freemont. I saddled up and headed into a stiff wind with gathering storm clouds from the north. The road lead through golden aspen stands surrounded by green pines in exquisite forms only painted by nature’s indolent hand.

A half hour later, I faced the long, steep climb to the top of Freemont Pass.

“Well big guy,” I said to Condor. “Let’s get to the top before that storm hits.”

Yes, over the years and the many miles, I do talk to Condor. He possesses a personality. I’ve taken him apart and put him back together. He’s carried me over 16,000 foot passes in the Andes. He’s carried me across the Atacoma Desert, driest in the world. Dropped me below sea level in Death Valley at 116 degrees of suffocating heat! He has taken me to where the condors fly. As much as we’ve been through, he’s become a friend in my mind.

An hour later, we reached the sign, “Freemont Pass 11, 318”. A small exhibit behind the sign shows that Climax Mine, started in 1898 or so, yielded 700 million tons of rock mined to find minerals. Of course, it destroyed an entire mountain! John Denver lamented, “…more scars across the land.”

As I wrote notes and took pictures of the outdoor museum, which by the way, proved exceptionally interesting, a nasty, ominous, black storm front moved in over the pass. “Holy catfish Batman!” I said.

I ran over to Condor, took out my rain gear and pulled it on. I watched a rain squall wall of water heading toward me. By the time I got on Condor and we headed down the pass, it hit. Boy did it hit! For the next 10 miles to Copper, I coasted through a downpour. Yippee ki yo ki yea!

At Copper, it stopped. Hey, as long as I rode warm and dry, not a problem! But on the way back down the six mile path along the river to Frisco, the rain created more magic. Water glistened from every golden leaf as the sun broke through the cobalt sky. More leaves fell almost like a carpet for me to ride down that paved path. To my right, instant waterfalls cascaded down the steep slopes like silver ear rings from female movie stars at the Oscars. The ground colors turned even more wild and beautiful with water soaking them into glistening diamonds.

Within a short time, I pedaled into Frisco. Condor returned to the roof rack and my panniers found themselves dumped into the trunk. A raging hunger found satisfaction at the local Quisnos sub shop! And, a big mug of hot chocolate! Soon, I returned to the traffic heading back home. Condor and I lived a most excellent color tour adventure.

As Muir said, “Camp out among the grass and gentians of glacier meadows, in craggy garden nooks full of Nature’s darlings. Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature’s peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.”

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at Enjoy his three bicycle books: HANDBOOK FOR TOURING BICYCLISTS; BICYCLING THE CONTINENTAL DIVIDE—SLICE OF HEAVEN, TASTE OF HELL; BICYCLING AROUND THE WORLD—TIRE TRACKS FOR YOUR IMAGINATION. He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.


By Frosty Wooldridge

Pare 3: Waiting until you’re in the crisis

Christopher Steiner, author of $20 PER GALLON, paints a sobering picture for our civilization. He’s not alone. You may view this 86 minute compelling film “Blind Spot” by Adolpho Doring and Amanda Zackem:

I couldn’t take my eyes off the movie as I watched it three times. Once you see that documentary, you will understand exactly what Steiner, Bartlett, Catton, Tainter, Brown, Bradford, Steinberg and other top experts have tried to tell this society for 30 years. You will understand how we combine energy use and population increases to drive this civilization toward a tenuous future.

Yet, many continue thinking “Peak Oil” remains a myth. Others condemn this series with promotion of men like Stanley Meyer who created a car that runs on water. Somehow, Meyer died of food poisoning after he drove across the USA on 22 gallons of water. His secret died with him.

Another reader, Allen Miller, Klamath Falls, Oregon said, “You really should do some research on "abiotic oil.” Peak oil is a myth and an outright lie. I have been studying this for years. The Russians proved that if you drill deep enough you can find oil anywhere on the planet. Oil is made deep in the Earth and percolates up.”

If you investigate, you may educate yourself beyond the rhetoric, myth and hearsay. We teeter on the edge of an abyss of profound and inevitable energy dilemmas. We will experience massive dislocation as we press against all resources. The definite lack of water will become our Waterloo more than oil.

In Chapter $12 a gallon, “The tide of gasoline prices will shift Americans from the burbs to the cities,” Steiner said. “If civilization is to march forward, however, a couple of acres simply won’t be an accessible or realistic part of most Americans’ lives, nor, with high energy costs, will a huge house and yard be a desirable way to live. Our cities will regroup, renew and grow denser.”

That, in my experience, creates a kind of urban mass insanity stemming from compacting human beings into 10 million person cages not built into our DNA makeup. If you look at our major cities today, you see the highest forms of aberrant behavior, huge police forces, endless mass psychosis, murders, violence and other problems. Steiner may be too optimistic!

At Chapter $14, small towns will take revenge on big box stores like Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot and Lowe’s.

“The sound of Wal-Mart falling will be one that all of us hear,” Steiner said. “Wal-Mart tallies $400 billion annually. It employs 2.1 million people. About 80 percent of Wal-Mart’s suppliers are from China. The makers of the cheapest stuff, the commodity junk, such as pens, clothes and house wares, will be hardest hit.

Only the U.S. can inhale that much junk. In the U.S., 10,000 ghost boxes will serve as giant rotting gravestones for the era of mass globalization and merchandising. ‘Made in China’ won’t be the ubiquitous moniker marking our goods that it is now.”

At or before $14 gallon, plastics will change from oil to corn. We will develop biodegradable plastics from corn that will return ecological balance to the world.
In Chapter $16, “Many American farms faced with high gasoline costs will go local again,” Steiner said. “Rising gas prices will be the incorrigible gorilla that trashes our complex weave of food producers, shippers and wholesalers, ultimately changing the equation for good at $16 per gallon. Ferrying Central California’s bounty to New York will be economically unsavory.”

As Americans build hot houses, vegetables will grow and sell locally. Instead of Monsanto pouring herbicides, pesticides and damaging fertilizer all over our food, you can expect healthier produce. Personally, I think Monsanto, makers of the weed killer “Roundup”, should spray it over themselves for ultimate extinction! Ah, but I digress!

In Chapter $18, hang on to your seat belts! “The advent of a true high-speed train network in America will be the ultimate sign that our world has adapted to oil’s scarcity. Its existence would signal our country’s collective recognition that the world has changed forever according to energy’s terms.”

What will cause trains to become the dominant mode of long distance transport? You guessed it! The inevitable price of gasoline at $18 a gallon! “Stagnant societies tend to stay stagnated; vibrant ones adjust, adapt and move forward,” Steiner said. “We’ll see trains flying toward their destinations at 215 miles per hour.”


U.S. House member, Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD), said, “If you wait until you’re in a crisis, your options are limited.”

“It will take a panoply of reasons why it will take a very high price per gallon to change how our government funnels our transportation dollars,” Steiner said. “The Pentagon will not cease to be a force in the world with gas priced at $18…that’s why the military is actually ahead of many other sectors of the government when it comes to looking toward a future of high gas prices.”

“Our energy future: hydro aperitif, wind appetizer, nuclear entrée,” said Steiner. “Electricity will become the fuel of choice.”

Steiner talks of the consequences of burning coal. Humans dump 33 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year—causing horrific damage as we acidify our soils and oceans. We cannot continue that kind of environmental destruction.
In the final analysis, Steiner promotes nuclear as the safest, cleanest and most abundant energy source.

At the book’s end, Steiner creates a future world where ‘Bill citizen’ doesn’t own a car, but travels by train everywhere in the USA. Airplanes faded from the skies years ago. He boards nuclear powered ships for vacations in Europe. He monitors his electrical usage. He eats foods grown locally. Only one of his friends owns an electric car, but it proves expensive on toll roads. He finds life less hectic and more fulfilling at slower speeds.

I found this book highly informative, well-written and extensively researched. No question our civilization heads into a sobering, if not worrisome future. What we face will not be a cake walk! To compound our eventual transition to electrical mass transport and nuclear power, Steiner omitted one factor in his ‘rosy’ view of the future. The United States expects to add 100 million people by 2035. Another 100 million on top of that by 2065 and another 100 million on top of that before the turn of the century! It’s that one factor that will magnify other shortages other than oil: water and resources. That 300 million added Americans will magnify environmental destruction, climate destabilization and a host of calamities already devastating China and India.

It will be interesting to see when an American author will write the progressive calamities titled Chapter 100 million more Americans; Chapter 200 million more Americans; Chapter 300 million more Americans. For your information, one writer has written such a book: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. Obtain a copy: 1 888 280 7715

To take action: First and foremost, join and become one of nearly a million Americans making impact with pre-written faxes and phone calls to change immigration policies toward a stable future. Bi-partisan and highly effective!

Second, join for up to date information via the Social Contract Quarterly. Exceptional publication to keep you informed. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. This book covers all the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the USA in the next 26 years by 2035.

Visit this site for a rendition of Colorado Governor Lamm’s speech: “How to Destroy America”

Must see DVD: “Blind Spot”
This movie illustrates America’s future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It’s a brilliant educational movie!

In Canada: Tim Murray,
Director Immigration Watch Canada
Vice President Biodiversity First

Please visit Annie Leonard at for a compelling and highly interesting 20 minute video concerning our high consumption, highly wasteful and unsustainable society. She educates and provides avenues for you to make a difference.

Visit this web site by Chris Martenson:

In Colorado: visit for information how you can network with like-minded folks to create a more sustainable future for Colorado and other states.

View CNN’s “Planet in Peril” with Anderson Cooper and Lisa Ling:
Ghost of Thomas Paine—compelling video of common sense

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: D.C.: (202)224-2854
Books to read: “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler
“Peak Everything” by Richard Heinberg
“Too Many People” by Lindsey Grant

Become a member of “Frosty’s Press Agent Corps” whereby you volunteer a few hours to send out emails to top TV and radio hosts to offer top speakers on America’s overpopulation crisis driven by unending immigration. Email and receive two informational letters showing you exactly what to do.

Roy Beck's "IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS" is the single best educational appreciation of America's future if we allow ourselves to add another 100 million people. Just click on this site for the most sobering experience of your children's future.

Roy Beck gives a graphic presentation of our fate if we continue to allow legal and illegal immigration to swamp this country. If you have children, you will be particular unnerved at their fate. I know Roy Beck personally and his integrity and knowledge stand at the top. Pass this web site 14 minute video far and wide across America to educate everyone you know. We either stop this human tsunami or the future of this country will be much like Rome's. We must, as a nation and a civilization, move to secure our country from this massive, unrelenting population overload from a line that never ends. This will be the most compelling 14 minute video of your life.

Once you see it, go to my web site for action items and join to become a weekly faxer of pre written letters and join the phone calling teams.

Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning the future of our planet. Go to for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been writing about for the past 20 years. Our ‘window’ to change to a balanced population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we listen to irresponsible media and thus ignore the blatant symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.

From: Frosty Wooldridge

This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on “Your Show” May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a “Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy”; “Colorado Environmental Impact Policy”; “Colorado Water Usage Policy”; “Colorado Sustainable Population Policy”. Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.

Go to: and click on “Audio/Video” tab

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


By Frosty Wooldridge

Part 2: A book review

Chris Steiner’s book, $20 PER GALLON, methodically illustrates how American society, in fact, world societies will change as the price of gasoline inevitably rises to $20 a gallon. Many may scream, “What about the 100 years of reserves in the Bakken Fields, or the ocean floor off of Alaska and more fields in the Gulf of Mexico?”

Again, emotions and sheer hearsay drive such hopeful myths. You may call the author a cretin, but the coming rises in the price of a gallon of gas cannot and will not be mitigated by hysteria. Again, as a teenager, I once bought gasoline at 19 cents a gallon in a gas war! If the Bakken fields held such vast quantities of oil as purported—you would see 19 cents a gallon again! Not!

With clever ingenuity, Steiner titles his chapters from Chapter $5 all the way to Chapter $20. He methodically illustrates how each of us will be affected by the costs of a gallon of gas. He advances some positive aspects of bettering humanity as prices rise.

“Oil prices enabled the SUV to thrive, but they will ultimately bury the SUV in its grave,” Steiner said. “Americans will, at long last, embrace diesel when gas reaches $6 a gallon. At the same time, $6 a gallon will mean fewer lives lost to crumpled steel and unyielding pavement.”

Steiner states that people will drive less, slower, smarter and wiser. Already in 2008 with $4.50 a gallon, Americans drove 100 billion less miles than they drove in 2007.

“Assuming the prices are sustained for a year at $4.00 a gallon, that would save 1,000 lives every month,” Steiner said. “That’s 12,000 people annually, almost a third of those killed on U.S. roads every year. At $6 a gallon, 15,600 lives will be saved and at $7 a gallon, 20,000 lives will be saved.” Currently, 44,000
Americans lose their lives on our highways annually.

When it comes to good health, Steiner said that rising prices will mean a trimmer America. Fat people, and America owns the record for obesity at 150 million plus, will walk or ride a bike. Obesity costs Americans $117 billion annually in early mortality and medical expenses.

“High gas prices will clean up our skies, clear our vistas and scrub our lungs,” Steiner said. “$6 gas will spark an infrastructure revolution and the era of widespread tolling. The yellow school bus will disappear from America’s roads. High prices will temper the major league travelling in youth sports. Police will patrol on foot.”

But hang onto your hats! At $8 a gallon, air travel will become quite constricted. In fact, Steiner said, “The skies will empty. When gas inevitably climbs to $8 a gallon, the airline carnage will be vast and it will come swiftly. When gas prices reach $8, airline carries will be throwing down 60 percent of their operating costs to fuel. That cannot be sustained. The ultimate contraction awaits. The airline dinosaurs will meet their asteroid deaths.”

Once the airlines cannot service Las Vegas, Vail, Aspen and Jackson Hole ski areas—as well as many other pricy resorts in the Caribbean—we will see major changes in the economy. When you cannot pay air fare to Disneyworld, those attractions will become extinct. Most college bound teens will see their school choices shrink drastically.

“Gas prices of $10 a gallon may seem far away, but if you look at the fundamentals of the world’s supplies, and the certainty of rising demands, it’s a number we will almost definitely see within the next 10 years,” Steiner said. “At the same time, plug-in hybrids will form the bridge we need to an electric car world.”

A man named Shai Agassi heads up Better Place, a company he founded to solve the logistical riddles facing electric cars in a world and infrastructure built for gasoline. “We don’t have a choice,” he said. “We either do this, or we suffer the catastrophic failures of economic ruin and global climate change.”

Steiner said, “Converting our personal transportation platform from one based on gasoline to one powered by electricity is one of the most imperative measures we will take in shaping a sustainable future for our country and for the global civilization as a whole. This will not be an easy transition. Car ownership will plummet at $10 a gallon. People will end up forfeiting their cars altogether.
Traffic flows on major arteries will ebb and the side effects that began to take hold at $6 gas—fewer crash deaths, less pollution, less obesity—will be firing in full force at $10 gas.”

With rising gas prices, Steiner says we will face another big change: plastics! That pesky invention created the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, trash all over the planet and more gadgets than humans can handle.

Part 3: Finding out what will happen when gas rises from $12 to $20 a gallon. Back to basics for food, for water for living.

To take action: First and foremost, join and become one of nearly a million Americans making impact with pre-written faxes and phone calls to change immigration policies toward a stable future. Bi-partisan and highly effective!

Second, join for up to date information via the Social Contract Quarterly. Exceptional publication to keep you informed. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. This book covers all the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the USA in the next 26 years by 2035.

Visit this site for a rendition of Colorado Governor Lamm’s speech: “How to Destroy America”

Must see DVD: “Blind Spot”
This movie illustrates America’s future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It’s a brilliant educational movie!

In Canada: Tim Murray,
Director Immigration Watch Canada
Vice President Biodiversity First

Please visit Annie Leonard at for a compelling and highly interesting 20 minute video concerning our high consumption, highly wasteful and unsustainable society. She educates and provides avenues for you to make a difference.

Visit this web site by Chris Martenson:

In Colorado: visit for information how you can network with like-minded folks to create a more sustainable future for Colorado and other states.

View CNN’s “Planet in Peril” with Anderson Cooper and Lisa Ling:
Ghost of Thomas Paine—compelling video of common sense

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: D.C.: (202)224-2854
Books to read: “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler
“Peak Everything” by Richard Heinberg
“Too Many People” by Lindsey Grant

Become a member of “Frosty’s Press Agent Corps” whereby you volunteer a few hours to send out emails to top TV and radio hosts to offer top speakers on America’s overpopulation crisis driven by unending immigration. Email and receive two informational letters showing you exactly what to do.

Roy Beck's "IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS" is the single best educational appreciation of America's future if we allow ourselves to add another 100 million people. Just click on this site for the most sobering experience of your children's future.

Roy Beck gives a graphic presentation of our fate if we continue to allow legal and illegal immigration to swamp this country. If you have children, you will be particular unnerved at their fate. I know Roy Beck personally and his integrity and knowledge stand at the top. Pass this web site 14 minute video far and wide across America to educate everyone you know. We either stop this human tsunami or the future of this country will be much like Rome's. We must, as a nation and a civilization, move to secure our country from this massive, unrelenting population overload from a line that never ends. This will be the most compelling 14 minute video of your life.

Once you see it, go to my web site for action items and join to become a weekly faxer of pre written letters and join the phone calling teams.

Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning the future of our planet. Go to for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been writing about for the past 20 years. Our ‘window’ to change to a balanced population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we listen to irresponsible media and thus ignore the blatant symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.

From: Frosty Wooldridge

This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on “Your Show” May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a “Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy”; “Colorado Environmental Impact Policy”; “Colorado Water Usage Policy”; “Colorado Sustainable Population Policy”. Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.

Go to: and click on “Audio/Video” tab

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.

Friday, September 18, 2009


By Frosty Wooldridge

The more the United States adds people, the more water we use, the more food we eat, the more land we cultivate, the more fertilizer we use, the more energy we burn—thus, the more we pollute the air, land and water.

Example: the Mississippi River spews millions of gallons of toxic water into the Gulf of Mexico 24/7 to create a 10,000 square mile dead zone. Toxins include fertilizer runoff, insecticides, herbicides, household wastes, sewage and a host of chemicals. Vertebrates cannot live in it, thus, our poisons created a dead ocean area. As humans’ ultimate toilet, worldwide, our oceans suffer horrific consequences to marine life, plankton and fisheries.

Most Americans cannot ‘see’ overpopulation. And, their leaders fail to address it. Everyone finds it easy to avoid, deny or reject. But day by day, week by week, month by month and year by year—overpopulation impacts every American—and it’s growing worse as we add 3.4 million people to the U.S. annually, predominantly by immigration. Ironically, those immigrants stream into America from overpopulated countries that add 77 million people, net gain, annually to the planet. Next destination: 100 million people added to America by 2035. That’s 26 years from now.

Even more astounding, most Americans cannot get their emotional or mental arms around what they face with an added 100 million people. Thus, they avoid talking about it and the media ignores it. They may avoid it, but in the end, overpopulation will not avoid anyone.

In an expose’ article in the New York Times, Charles Duhigg reported, “WI; Health Ills Abound as Farm Runoff Fouls Wells” September 18, 2009.

MORRISON, Wis. — “All it took was an early thaw for the drinking water here to become unsafe,” Duhigg reported. “There are 41,000 dairy cows in Brown County, which includes Morrison, and they produce more than 260 million gallons of manure each year, much of which is spread on nearby grain fields. Other farmers receive fees to cover their land with slaughterhouse waste and treated sewage. In measured amounts, that waste acts as fertilizer. But if the amounts are excessive, bacteria and chemicals can flow into the ground and contaminate residents’ tap water.

“In Morrison, more than 100 wells were polluted by agricultural runoff within a few months, according to local officials. As parasites and bacteria seeped into drinking water, residents suffered from chronic diarrhea, stomach illnesses and severe ear infections.”

“Sometimes it smells like a barn coming out of the faucet,” said Lisa Barnard, who lives a few towns over, and just 15 miles from the city of Green Bay.

“Tests of her water showed it contained E. coli, coliform bacteria and other contaminants found in manure,” Duhigg said. “Last year, her 5-year-old son developed ear infections that eventually required an operation. Her doctor told her they were most likely caused by bathing in polluted water.

“Agricultural runoff is the single largest source of water pollution in the nation’s rivers and streams, according to the E.P.A. An estimated 19.5 million Americans fall ill each year from waterborne parasites, viruses or bacteria, including those stemming from human and animal waste, according to a study published last year in the scientific journal Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.”

As a world traveler, I witnessed what water pollution does to human beings. Waterborne diseases kill millions of people annually. Over 1.5 billion humans cannot obtain a clean glass of drinking water because they live in squalor, near outhouses and human-contaminated water sources.

“The problem is not limited to Wisconsin,” Duhigg said. “In California, up to 15 percent of wells in agricultural areas exceed a federal contaminant threshold, according to studies. Major waterways like the Chesapeake Bay have been seriously damaged by agricultural pollution, according to government reports. In Arkansas and Maryland, residents have accused chicken farm owners of polluting drinking water. In 2005, Oklahoma’s attorney general sued 13 poultry companies, claiming they had damaged one of the state’s most important watersheds.”

“One cow produces as much waste as 18 people,” said Bill Hafs, a county official who has lobbied the state Legislature for stricter waste rules. “There just isn’t enough land to absorb that much manure, but we don’t have laws to force people to stop.”

“In Brown County, part of one of the nation’s largest milk-producing regions, agriculture brings in $3 billion a year,” Duhigg said. “But the dairies collectively also create as much as a million gallons of waste each day. Many cows are fed a high-protein diet, which creates more liquid manure that is easier to spray on fields. In 2006, an unusually early thaw in Brown County melted frozen fields, including some that were covered in manure. Within days, according to a county study, more than 100 wells were contaminated with coliform bacteria, E. coli, or nitrates — byproducts of manure or other fertilizers.”

Ask yourself if you as a citizen of the United States want to see another 100 million people added to this country. Ask what your children will face. Discover what our civilization faces as it continues its march toward 400, then 500 and 600 million people within this century.

Overpopulation affects every single environmental, energy, water, species extinction, climate destabilization, pollution and quality of life issue in the United States—as well as the rest of the world. We must become bold, outspoken and proactive. Since we have maintained a stable population since 1970 by averaging 2.03 children per family, we must take action on what causes our overpopulation crisis: legal and illegal immigration from a line of immigrants that grows by 77 million annually.

We must enact a “U.S. Sustainable Immigration Policy” of less than 100,000 annually. Why? That’s how many egress the country each year. Thus, zero net gain. Result: stable population and ability to manage and solve our environmental, water, food, energy and other challenges.

If we fail, as a civilization, we will become like a dog chasing its tail into utter exhaustion and collapse.

To take action: First and foremost, join and become one of nearly a million Americans making impact with pre-written faxes and phone calls to change immigration policies toward a stable future. Bi-partisan and highly effective!

Second, join for up to date information via the Social Contract Quarterly. Exceptional publication to keep you informed. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. This book covers all the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the USA in the next 26 years by 2035.

Visit this site for a rendition of Colorado Governor Lamm’s speech: “How to Destroy America”

Must see DVD: “Blind Spot”
This movie illustrates America’s future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It’s a brilliant educational movie!

In Canada: Tim Murray,
Director Immigration Watch Canada
Vice President Biodiversity First

Watch the DVD movie: “Blind Spot”—Exceptional movie with top scientists candidly discussion what we face as a civilization if we continue on our hyper-population growth path.

Please visit Annie Leonard at for a compelling and highly interesting 20 minute video concerning our high consumption, highly wasteful and unsustainable society. She educates and provides avenues for you to make a difference.

Visit this web site by Chris Martenson:

In Colorado: visit for information how you can network with like-minded folks to create a more sustainable future for Colorado and other states.

View CNN’s “Planet in Peril” with Anderson Cooper and Lisa Ling:
Ghost of Thomas Paine—compelling video of common sense

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: D.C.: (202)224-2854
Books to read: “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler
“Peak Everything” by Richard Heinberg
“Too Many People” by Lindsey Grant

Become a member of “Frosty’s Press Agent Corps” whereby you volunteer a few hours to send out emails to top TV and radio hosts to offer top speakers on America’s overpopulation crisis driven by unending immigration. Email and receive two informational letters showing you exactly what to do.

Roy Beck's "IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS" is the single best educational appreciation of America's future if we allow ourselves to add another 100 million people. Just click on this site for the most sobering experience of your children's future.

Roy Beck gives a graphic presentation of our fate if we continue to allow legal and illegal immigration to swamp this country. If you have children, you will be particular unnerved at their fate. I know Roy Beck personally and his integrity and knowledge stand at the top. Pass this web site 14 minute video far and wide across America to educate everyone you know. We either stop this human tsunami or the future of this country will be much like Rome's. We must, as a nation and a civilization, move to secure our country from this massive, unrelenting population overload from a line that never ends. This will be the most compelling 14 minute video of your life.

Once you see it, go to my web site for action items and join to become a weekly faxer of pre written letters and join the phone calling teams.

Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning the future of our planet. Go to for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been writing about for the past 20 years. Our ‘window’ to change to a balanced population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we listen to irresponsible media and thus ignore the blatant symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.

From: Frosty Wooldridge

This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on “Your Show” May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a “Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy”; “Colorado Environmental Impact Policy”; “Colorado Water Usage Policy”; “Colorado Sustainable Population Policy”. Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.

Go to: and click on “Audio/Video” tab

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


By Frosty Wooldridge
Part 1: A book review

At one time, as a kid, I flipped a dime to the cashier to watch Vincent Price scare the heck out of me at a movie. I pulled out a nickel to pay for a Snickers candy bar. I bought a hamburger for 15 cents. I bought a school lunch for 35 cents. When I hit 16 with my ‘57 Chevy, I paid 29 cents a gallon of gas. I gobbled popcorn for a dime while I watched John Wayne in Rio Bravo.

On my office wall, I enjoy a picture titled “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” depicting a Hollywood Diner with Marilyn Monroe sitting on a bar stool, Elvis Presley sneering at me, James Dean scowling into his leather jacket and Marlon Brando standing in a muscle T-shirt—quite handsome I might add!

Those stars defined America in the 50s, 60s and 70s. At the time, we thought they and we would live forever. No doubt a candy bar could always be bought for a nickel. And, of course, a gallon of gas would always remain at 29 cents a gallon!

Today, I bought a $1.69 Snickers at Walgreens. A movie sucked $10 out of my wallet last Friday night as I watched Julie and Julia. I laughed a lot! A hamburger costs up to $5.00 depending on where you buy it. Popcorn at the movies goes for $6.00 a bucket! And gasoline? It hit $4.50 a gallon last year, but remains at $2.55 this summer in Colorado.

Even that’s about to change!

It’s called “Peak Oil” hitting around 2010. Yes, we still enjoy half the world’s oil supply beneath the surface of the earth, but it’s farther down, harder and more costly to drill and it lies beneath the ground of many unstable countries. And, whether you like it or not, the fact is—as the USA burns 20 million barrels per day and the other countries burn another 64 million barrels of oil per DAY, the cost of oil will inevitably rise to $20 a gallon. It’s already $8.00 a gallon in Europe.

Expect everything to change: your life, your city, your state, your transportation means, your speed of life, your food intake, your housing and your way of life.

Once President George H.W. Bush said, “The American Way of life is non-negotiable.”

Mother Nature replied, “Wanna bet!”

In a new book, $20 Per Gallon by Chris Steiner, our civilization faces abrupt, escalating and dramatic change as the cost of gallon of gas inexorably grows from $5.00, $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 to ultimately $20.00 per gallon.

It will change everything in our civilization. It will change the whole thing the way the Model T changed everything from a horse drawn and coal-fired train era to modern automobile freeways. Expect a return to the basics as the price of oil escalates!

Did I tell you that it won’t be easy or fun?!

Steiner titles each chapter with $5, $6, $7 all the way up to $20 while he explains how we will be forced to adjust in very definite ways. Folks, he’s not kidding! He’s methodical, logical and exceptionally well-researched.

Sure, you will gripe and complain. You will gnash your teeth. You will be forced to change your entire paradigm from a century of excess. Most Americans think we are exceptional both as a society and a species. We think divine providence guides us. We think our superior intellect will ‘discover’ alternative energies. Sorry, not going to happen! We find ourselves in a sobering predicament.

“As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble we have reached now to a renewable energy resource economy, which we do this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive? As we both know there is no way that alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy now, much less for the 9 billion expected by 2050. And energy is what keeps this game going. We are involved in a Faustian bargain—selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later the price has to be paid.” Walter Youngquist

“There’s something guttural, something personal, about the price of gas,” Steiner said. “During 2008, a year when gas prices rose, Americans drove 100 billion less miles.

Why the price of oil will keep rising!

“The sunny “this is merely a passing bubble” outlook—unfortunately for Hummer drivers and the airlines—has taken no measure of world economics, demographics, or capitalism. The following two statements, in most sane circles, are accepted as fact:

1. The demand for oil will gradually increase and will continue to increase as the global middle class expands.
2. The oil that remains in the earth will be more and more expensive to locate and extract.

Those two statements lead us to a third conclusion:
3. The price of gas will climb to prices far past where we’re at right now.
“The world’s total population will jump by 1 billion in the coming twelve years,” Steiner said. “But the middle class will add 1.8 billion to its ranks, 600 million of them in China alone.”

China adds 27,000 cars to their highways every seven days. They expect to burn 98 million barrels of oil PER DAY by 2030. You can verify that number in The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler. As you can imagine, they won’t make it! But neither will we!

M. King Hubbert, famed geologist, projected Peak Oil and decline for the United States in 1970. Indeed, we dropped from nine million barrels daily to three million. We currently produce 2.7 million barrels daily. With the late Dr. Ali Samsam Bakhtiari, director of National Iranian Oil Company, he talked about world oil supply, “After some 147 years of almost uninterrupted supply growth to a record output of some 82 million barrels per day in the summer of 2006, crude oil production has since entered its irreversible decline. It will eventually come to affect everything else under the sun.”

“The United States has now burned through 70 percent of its extractable oil,” Steiner said. “But we’re so desperate that we’re drilling at a pace we haven’t approached in more than two decades: 40,000 new wells a year. But production continues to decline. What’s jarring: the declining production of half of the twenty largest oil-producing countries.”

Hang on to your hats folks! Part two will deal with how our lives will change for every jump in gas prices. We may hang on from $3.00 a gallon to $8.00 a gallon, but after that, $10.00 a gallon and beyond will change our civilization dramatically. As I look up at my picture of Elvis, Marilyn, Brando and Dean, I cannot help but mourn the loss of once was, but will never be again.

Part 2: How incremental rise in the price of a gallon of gas will affect the United States.
To take action: First and foremost, join and become one of nearly a million Americans making impact with pre-written faxes and phone calls to change immigration policies toward a stable future. Bi-partisan and highly effective!

Second, join for up to date information via the Social Contract Quarterly. Exceptional publication to keep you informed. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. This book covers all the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the USA in the next 26 years by 2035.

Visit this site for a rendition of Colorado Governor Lamm’s speech: “How to Destroy America”

Must see DVD: “Blind Spot”
This movie illustrates America’s future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It’s a brilliant educational movie!

In Canada: Tim Murray,
Director Immigration Watch Canada
Vice President Biodiversity First

Watch the DVD movie: “Blind Spot”—Exceptional movie with top scientists candidly discussion what we face as a civilization if we continue on our hyper-population growth path.

Please visit Annie Leonard at for a compelling and highly interesting 20 minute video concerning our high consumption, highly wasteful and unsustainable society. She educates and provides avenues for you to make a difference.

Visit this web site by Chris Martenson:

In Colorado: visit for information how you can network with like-minded folks to create a more sustainable future for Colorado and other states.

View CNN’s “Planet in Peril” with Anderson Cooper and Lisa Ling:
Ghost of Thomas Paine—compelling video of common sense

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: D.C.: (202)224-2854
Books to read: “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler
“Peak Everything” by Richard Heinberg
“Too Many People” by Lindsey Grant

Become a member of “Frosty’s Press Agent Corps” whereby you volunteer a few hours to send out emails to top TV and radio hosts to offer top speakers on America’s overpopulation crisis driven by unending immigration. Email and receive two informational letters showing you exactly what to do.

Roy Beck's "IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS" is the single best educational appreciation of America's future if we allow ourselves to add another 100 million people. Just click on this site for the most sobering experience of your children's future.

Roy Beck gives a graphic presentation of our fate if we continue to allow legal and illegal immigration to swamp this country. If you have children, you will be particular unnerved at their fate. I know Roy Beck personally and his integrity and knowledge stand at the top. Pass this web site 14 minute video far and wide across America to educate everyone you know. We either stop this human tsunami or the future of this country will be much like Rome's. We must, as a nation and a civilization, move to secure our country from this massive, unrelenting population overload from a line that never ends. This will be the most compelling 14 minute video of your life.

Once you see it, go to my web site for action items and join to become a weekly faxer of pre written letters and join the phone calling teams.

Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning the future of our planet. Go to for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been writing about for the past 20 years. Our ‘window’ to change to a balanced population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we listen to irresponsible media and thus ignore the blatant symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.

From: Frosty Wooldridge

This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on “Your Show” May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a “Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy”; “Colorado Environmental Impact Policy”; “Colorado Water Usage Policy”; “Colorado Sustainable Population Policy”. Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.

Go to: and click on “Audio/Video” tab

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


By Frosty Wooldridge

This past weekend, an estimated 200,000 Americans marched on Washington, DC to express their anger, frustration and outright rejection of President Barack Obama’s health care plan.

Signs read, “No Acorn, No Czars, No cap and trade, No Obama” ; “Obama lied, Freedom Died” ; “Silence is consent, can you hear us now?” ; “I don’t belong to the Party of No, I belong to the Party of Hell No!” ; “Madam Speaker, Kiss Our Astroturf!” ; “The only thing we have to fear is Obama himself!” ; “Proud member of the angry mob and I vote!” ; “Obama, liar, liar country on fire!” ; “Your wallet, the only place democrats are willing to drill!”

President Lyndon Baines Johnson lied about the “Gulf of Tonkin” incident. The ensuing Vietnam War killed millions and cost billions of dollars. President George W. Bush lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction. His war continues at a cost of billions and countless lives. This week, President Barack Obama lied about his controversial health care plan. He said it would not be available to illegal aliens. If his bill passes, 20 million illegal aliens along with their children will tap into our health care system—causing untold costs and ultimate breakdown.

When you tell the truth, you never have to cover your behind. When you tell a lie, it will bite you in the rear-end at some point.

When Obama spoke the lie, he knew that any verification of ID had been deleted out of the bill. His fellow Democrats killed the amendment that would have required authentication of citizenship.

As Obama uttered the lie, Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) could not stand it any longer. He shouted from the seats, “You lie!” He spoke for Americans that don’t appreciate the ‘lie’ Congress foists upon all citizen taxpayers. The truth: Congress made sure that no ID verification would allow any unlawful immigrant to utilize full, free healthcare without having paid a dime into it.

“Thank goodness Joe had the courage to call the President out on it!” said former congressman Tom Tancredo. “Illegal immigrants are definitely getting health insurance under the President's plan. There is no question about it! Joe and other Republicans tried to get the Democrats to agree to an amendment to the health care bill which would have specifically required the government to verify the legal status of anyone receiving benefits under the plan and Democrats voted "NO" and killed it!”

CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf wrote, "Once the Democratic health care proposal is fully implemented, the number of people who are uninsured would decline to about 36 million or 37 million...roughly a third of those receiving coverage would be unauthorized immigrants."

Additionally, within 26 years, on our current immigration path, an added 70 million immigrants will call the United States home. Once here, they may tap into our health care system without restrictions. At the same time, they lack education, language and skills to pay taxes to support the system. It can only break down for all Americans and immigrants alike.

“But the lies last night weren't limited to Obama’s statement that illegal aliens won't get coverage,” said Tancredo. “The President also claimed he will provide health insurance free of charge to those who can't afford it, the care will not be rationed, premiums won't go up, health risk factors won't be considered, no one will be excluded, taxes will not increase, and that none of this will cost the taxpayers a dime! Imagine: a huge federal entitlement for free!”

At some point, President Obama must contend with 20 million unlawful immigrants by enforcing laws against employers that allow illegals to remain within this country. He cannot hide from the facts; he cannot avoid the damage and costs at $346 billion annually; he cannot duck his responsibility to represent the legal citizens of this country; he cannot deny that 15 million Americans suffer unemployment and that 35 million U.S. citizens now subsist on food stamps.

Last Thursday night, Katie Couric announced that a whopping 13.4 percent of American families live in poverty. Last count, 35 million Americans subsist on food stamps. Over 15 million Americans cannot find work. In excess of 13 million American children live below the poverty level.

However, 20 million unlawful immigrants remain within America utilizing our health care, our housing, our schools, our hospitals and our prisons—at an astronomical cost to taxpayers of $346 billion annually. (Source: , economist Edwin Rubenstein report, winter 2008.)

It’s time for Obama to cowboy-up. Send unlawful immigrants home by enforcing our laws. Simple, easy and smart! American health care for Americans! What a concept!

To take action: First and foremost, join and become one of nearly a million Americans making impact with pre-written faxes and phone calls to change immigration policies toward a stable future. Bi-partisan and highly effective!

Second, join for up to date information via the Social Contract Quarterly. Exceptional publication to keep you informed. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. This book covers all the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the USA in the next 26 years by 2035.

Visit this site for a rendition of Colorado Governor Lamm’s speech: “How to Destroy America”

Must see DVD: “Blind Spot”
This movie illustrates America’s future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It’s a brilliant educational movie!

In Canada: Tim Murray,
Director Immigration Watch Canada
Vice President Biodiversity First

Watch the DVD movie: “Blind Spot”—Exceptional movie with top scientists candidly discussion what we face as a civilization if we continue on our hyper-population growth path.

Please visit Annie Leonard at for a compelling and highly interesting 20 minute video concerning our high consumption, highly wasteful and unsustainable society. She educates and provides avenues for you to make a difference.

Visit this web site by Chris Martenson:

In Colorado: visit for information how you can network with like-minded folks to create a more sustainable future for Colorado and other states.

View CNN’s “Planet in Peril” with Anderson Cooper and Lisa Ling:
Ghost of Thomas Paine—compelling video of common sense

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: D.C.: (202)224-2854
Books to read: “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler
“Peak Everything” by Richard Heinberg
“Too Many People” by Lindsey Grant
“Plan B 3.0” by Lester Brown

Become a member of “Frosty’s Press Agent Corps” whereby you volunteer a few hours to send out emails to top TV and radio hosts to offer top speakers on America’s overpopulation crisis driven by unending immigration. Email and receive two informational letters showing you exactly what to do.

Roy Beck's "IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS" is the single best educational appreciation of America's future if we allow ourselves to add another 100 million people. Just click on this site for the most sobering experience of your children's future.

Roy Beck gives a graphic presentation of our fate if we continue to allow legal and illegal immigration to swamp this country. If you have children, you will be particular unnerved at their fate. I know Roy Beck personally and his integrity and knowledge stand at the top. Pass this web site 14 minute video far and wide across America to educate everyone you know. We either stop this human tsunami or the future of this country will be much like Rome's. We must, as a nation and a civilization, move to secure our country from this massive, unrelenting population overload from a line that never ends. This will be the most compelling 14 minute video of your life.

Once you see it, go to my web site for action items and join to become a weekly faxer of pre written letters and join the phone calling teams.

Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning the future of our planet. Go to for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been writing about for the past 20 years. Our ‘window’ to change to a balanced population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we listen to irresponsible media and thus ignore the blatant symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.

From: Frosty Wooldridge

This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on “Your Show” May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a “Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy”; “Colorado Environmental Impact Policy”; “Colorado Water Usage Policy”; “Colorado Sustainable Population Policy”. Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.

Go to: and click on “Audio/Video” tab

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans. 1 888 280 7715 ;

Friday, September 11, 2009

Great Barrier Reef: Victim of Human Overpopulation

By Frosty Wooldridge

Many years ago, I enjoyed a Scuba diving adventure on the Great Barrier Reef off Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia. While my diving experiences included the Mediterranean, Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Ocean, Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico—nothing compared to the stunning beauty of the Barrier Reef.

Especially the night dives! We exited the boat at sunset to immerse ourselves into a watery world of darkness. Underwater at night, you cannot see your nose or finger at one inch away! But, once on the ocean floor, we turned on our ‘torches’. Wow! A turtle glided by! A thousand fish in one school swam past us. Eels looked at us from their caverns. Amazing fish of every color and configuration carried on about their business of living while we watched with eyes as big as fried eggs! Additionally, when we turned off our lights, we watched the magic of phosphorescent green plankton turning the water around us into ‘green chandeliers’ spinning and dropping around us as if confetti on a New York tickertape parade. Call it magic in the deep!

But today, as in much of the world affected by the onslaught of humanity, the Great Barrier Reef faces extinction.

In a depressing report by ocean correspondent Frank Pope, “Great Barrier Reef will be gone in 20 years,” July 7, 2009, we find yet another aspect of humanity destroying the beauty of our planet.
“The Great Barrier Reef will be so degraded by warming waters that it will be unrecognizable within 20 years, an eminent marine scientist has said,” Pope reported. “Charlie Veron, former chief scientist of the Australian Institute of Marine Science, told The Times: “There is no way out, no loopholes. The Great Barrier Reef will be over within 20 years or so.”

“Once carbon dioxide had hit the levels predicted for between 2030 and 2060, all coral reefs were doomed to extinction,” Veron said. “They would be the world’s first global ecosystem to collapse. I have the backing of every coral reef scientist, every research organization. I’ve spoken to them all. This is critical. This is reality.”

“Dr. Veron’s comments came as the Zoological Society of London, the Royal Society and the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO) held a crucial meeting on the future of coral reefs in London yesterday,” Pope reported. “In a joint statement they warned that by mid-century extinctions of coral reefs around the world would be inevitable.”

Pope explained, “Warming water causes coral polyps to eject the symbiotic algae that provide them with nutrients. These “bleaching events” were widespread during the El Niño of 1997-98, and localized occurrences are becoming more frequent. During an El Niño, much of the tropical Pacific becomes unusually warm. Reefs take decades to recover but by 2030 to 2050, depending on emissions and feedback effects, bleaching will be occurring annually or biannually.

“Although surface sea temperatures are rising fastest in tropical regions, the other big threat to coral reefs comes from the higher latitudes. The cold water there absorbs atmospheric carbon dioxide more readily than warm water and acidifies more easily.

“When carbon dioxide concentrations reach between 480 and 500 parts per million, warm water is no barrier to acidification, and the pH in equatorial regions will have dropped so far, meaning higher acidity, that coral reef growth becomes impossible anywhere in the ocean.”

“Coral reefs are the most sensitive of marine ecosystems,” said Alex Rogers, scientific director of IPSO. “Increased temperature and decreased ph will have a double-whammy effect. Reefs were safe at CO2 levels of 350 parts per million. We are at 387ppm today. Beyond 450 the fate of corals is sealed.”

Today, human encroachment causes the extinction of 80 to 100 creatures per day. The “Sixth Extinction Session” proceeds ever faster upon the planet—driven by human overpopulation and disruption of countless eco-systems around the planet.

Pope said, “In the five mass extinction events in geological history, key was the carbon cycle, in which carbon dioxide is the primary currency. Its concentration in the atmosphere is higher than it has been for 20 million years. In the Permian extinction, as in all the big extinctions, tropical marine life was the hardest hit. Reef-building corals took more than ten million years to return.”

The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest and most diverse marine ecosystem, is worth $4.5 billion a year to Australia. Worldwide, reefs are worth $300 billion. “But that is trivial compared with the costs if coral reefs fail,” Dr. Veron said. “Then it won’t be a matter of no income, it will be a matter of damage to livelihoods, economies and ecosystems.”

As you can see, the eco-systems around this planet suffer accelerating damages from the onslaught of humanity. How can we really save reefs around the world? What must we do to save ourselves?

First of all, we must discover and apply new technologies that displace coal, gas and oil burning. This planet cannot mitigate the carbon emissions now exhausting upon the land, rivers and oceans. Unfortunately, wind, solar, wave and other energy sources cannot equal nor can they replace the energy density of oil. Therefore, we human beings must move at breakneck speed toward stabilizing our numbers around the planet. We need:

1. International conference promoting world human population stabilization.
2. Encourage via family planning and birth control two children families planet-wide.
3. Engage highest amount of efficiency in vehicles, housing, public transport and world travel. Create solar, wind and electric powered engines to stop carbon emissions around the planet.
4. Create walking concentric cities along with close-to-work housing.
5. Create bicycle-centric cities.
6. Engage Lester Brown’s new paradigm concepts from his book: Plan B 3.0
That book provides the blueprint for future sustainability on this planet for all living creatures.
To take action: First and foremost, join and become one of nearly a million Americans making impact with pre-written faxes and phone calls to change immigration policies toward a stable future. Bi-partisan and highly effective!

Second, join for up to date information via the Social Contract Quarterly. Exceptional publication to keep you informed. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans by Frosty Wooldridge. This book covers all the ramifications of adding 100 million people to the USA in the next 26 years by 2035.

Visit this site for a rendition of Colorado Governor Lamm’s speech: “How to Destroy America”

Must see DVD: “Blind Spot”
This movie illustrates America’s future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It’s a brilliant educational movie!

In Canada: Tim Murray,
Director Immigration Watch Canada
Vice President Biodiversity First

Watch the DVD movie: “Blind Spot”—Exceptional movie with top scientists candidly discussion what we face as a civilization if we continue on our hyper-population growth path.

Please visit Annie Leonard at for a compelling and highly interesting 20 minute video concerning our high consumption, highly wasteful and unsustainable society. She educates and provides avenues for you to make a difference.

Visit this web site by Chris Martenson:

In Colorado: visit for information how you can network with like-minded folks to create a more sustainable future for Colorado and other states.

View CNN’s “Planet in Peril” with Anderson Cooper and Lisa Ling:
Ghost of Thomas Paine—compelling video of common sense

BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA: D.C.: (202)224-2854
Books to read: “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler
“Peak Everything” by Richard Heinberg
“Too Many People” by Lindsey Grant
“Plan B 3.0” by Lester Brown

Become a member of “Frosty’s Press Agent Corps” whereby you volunteer a few hours to send out emails to top TV and radio hosts to offer top speakers on America’s overpopulation crisis driven by unending immigration. Email and receive two informational letters showing you exactly what to do.

Roy Beck's "IMMIGRATION BY THE NUMBERS" is the single best educational appreciation of America's future if we allow ourselves to add another 100 million people. Just click on this site for the most sobering experience of your children's future.

Roy Beck gives a graphic presentation of our fate if we continue to allow legal and illegal immigration to swamp this country. If you have children, you will be particular unnerved at their fate. I know Roy Beck personally and his integrity and knowledge stand at the top. Pass this web site 14 minute video far and wide across America to educate everyone you know. We either stop this human tsunami or the future of this country will be much like Rome's. We must, as a nation and a civilization, move to secure our country from this massive, unrelenting population overload from a line that never ends. This will be the most compelling 14 minute video of your life.

Once you see it, go to my web site for action items and join to become a weekly faxer of pre written letters and join the phone calling teams.

Bob Woodruff of ABC asked input from all citizens concerning the future of our planet. Go to for a sobering reality check as to what we face and to what I have been writing about for the past 20 years. Our ‘window’ to change to a balanced population and non-polluting energy diminishes every day we listen to irresponsible media and thus ignore the blatant symptoms manifesting all over America and the planet.

From: Frosty Wooldridge

This three minute interview with Adam Schrager on “Your Show” May 4, 2008, NBC Channel 9 News, addresses the ramifications of adding 120 million people to USA in 35 years and six million people to Colorado as to water shortages, air pollution, loss of farmland, energy costs and degradation of quality of life. In the interview, Frosty Wooldridge explains the ramifications of adding 120 million people to the USA in 35 years. He advances new concepts such as a “Colorado Carrying Capacity Policy”; “Colorado Environmental Impact Policy”; “Colorado Water Usage Policy”; “Colorado Sustainable Population Policy”. Nationally, the USA needs a "National Sustainable Population Policy" to determine the carrying capacity of this nation for the short and long term. Wooldridge is available for interviews on radio and TV having interviewed on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and FOX.

Go to: and click on “Audio/Video” tab

Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents – from the Arctic to the South Pole – as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents “The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it” to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans. 1 888 280 7715 ;