Monday, April 13, 2009

Sin And Sinners

Any time there is someone that disagrees with the left they are so quick to label them as Bigots ,Racist, or one of the many other derogatory terms they use. One must ask why? Sure it is a strategy to attempt to frighten those who disagree away from speaking out against them. But as has been mentioned in other blogs, who likes a mirror put in front of their face when you're doing wrong? No one. So when the moral majority speaks up against Homosexuality an immense burden of guilt sets in on those who practice that lifestyle. It must be said that Christians don't hate the sinner we hate the sin.

We must not be afraid to stand up for morality. We must rise up together as a community and let it be known that we will not tolerate that type of behavior. That does not mean that we dislike the person . Parents know exactly what I am saying. We love our children, we want only for them to be successful. Yes they make choices that we don't agree with, but we still love them the same.

Jesus did not choose to mingle only with the righteous, he taught the sinners. He loved everyone, the sinner and the saint but detested the sin.

We must stand tall and fight to keep our country from becoming a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. We must not be afraid to speak up for what we believe. We must endure to the end and teach our posterity to do the same for one day it will be their turn to fight the good fight. To separate the sin from the sinner and bring them back to the fold.

God be with You.

1 comment:

  1. We need to stand for the right... we live in a time where the prophesies of the Bible are coming to fruitation. Good will be seen as bad, and bad will be seen as good. We MUST be strong in our faith in God. Sharon Hardy-Mills
