Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's Time To Act!

There is a movement to have students in our publicly funded education systems disrupt classes in support of the homosexual community. Students are being encouraged to be silent in their school to show their support. Not only is this disruptive to the education process, it is counterpoint to our values. We can't stand by and allow this to happen!

Here is the call to action: This must happen NOW. This disruption is scheduled for tomorrow. Call your local school district and let them know that this disruption is in the works and if it is allowed to happen you will keep your children out of school tomorrow. If you have to keep them from school use that time to educate them about this matter and instill in them the knowledge to stand up for what is right. Make them give you an answer don't let them put you off.

Here are a few phone numbers for our area:
Twin Falls: 208-733-6900
Jerome: 208-324-2392
Cassia: 208-678-6600
Minidoka: 208-436-4727

Ask for the Superintendent, If the Super in not available then ask for the next person in line. Demand an answer remember this disruption is supposed to happen tomorrow.

God be with you.

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